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How? Practical advice and tools


We have developed a number of programmes and resources in place to help implement integrated reporting. For example, the IFRS Sustainability Alliance bring together trailblazing organisations that are adopting the principles and practices of integrated reporting, in order to share experiences with peers, access expert and investor insights, and explore the benefits and challenges that come with being at the forefront of a new reporting movement.

To help you with the report itself, the Integrated Reporting Framework provides guidance on the practicalities of producing an integrated report. It establishes the Guiding Principles and Content Elements that govern the overall content of an integrated report, and explains the fundamental concepts that underpin them. The Framework was developed after extensive consultation with businesses and investors, and guided by the learning of 140 participants from 26 countries in our business network. The Transition to integrated reporting: A Guide to getting started is a companion to the Integrated Reporting Framework and helps report preparers develop a custom-fit transition plan to integrated reporting.

With a network of other adopters to learn from, an Training Programme, and guidance materials in our resource database, we are here to support your journey towards integrated reporting. The momentum towards global adoption is building, and the bank of examples to support the case for integrated reporting is growing, showing how companies are approaching integrated reporting across the world. Guidance is also emerging from a number of organizations, offering practical tips and support for adopting integrated reporting.