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IIRC showcases the journey towards Integrated Reporting

Posted 26 September, 2012

IIRC showcases the business and investor journey towards Integrated Reporting

London (September 26th ) The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) has marked the first anniversary of the launch of its Pilot Programme by holding a major international conference and publishing a Yearbook which showcases the business and investor journey towards Integrated Reporting.

The Pilot Programme, comprising over 80 businesses and 25 investors from around the globe, is designed to test the principles, content, and practical application of Integrated Reporting <IR> and develop the International <IR> Framework. The Pilot Programme is the IIRC’s innovation hub, encouraging and facilitating an evolution in corporate reporting that will lead to businesses adopting <IR>, supported by institutional investors, regulators and standard setters.

Speaking at the IIRC’s Pilot Programme conference hosted by KPMG in Amsterdam, IIRC CEO Paul Druckman said:

‘We call the Pilot Programme our “innovation hub” – made up of people who want to push the boundaries just a little bit further; to challenge, or at least question, orthodox thinking; and to acknowledge the importance of reporting to the way our organisations think and behave.’

Read Paul Druckman’s full speech

The Pilot Programme 2012 Yearbook: Capturing the Experiences of Global Businesses and Investors, profiles the journey many businesses have embarked upon towards communicating coherent, value-relevant information to investors and other stakeholders and describes the progress achieved through shared experiences and lessons learned. The Yearbook identifies emerging themes and practices, focusing on technical topics currently under examination, such as business model, capitals, connectivity, materiality, and value.

Read the Pilot Programme 2012 Yearbook


  • The IIRC’s mission is to create the globally accepted International <IR> Framework that elicits from businesses information about their strategy, governance, performance, and prospects in a clear, concise and comparable format. The International <IR> Framework will underpin and accelerate the evolution of corporate reporting, reflecting developments in financial, governance, social, and sustainability reporting.
  • Our vision is for <IR> to be accepted globally as the corporate reporting norm, benefiting businesses, their investors and other stakeholders by enabling informed decision-making that leads to efficient capital allocation and the creation and preservation of value. By encouraging a different way of thinking, <IR> will contribute towards the advancement of a more sustainable global economy.
  • The Framework will accelerate the global evolution of corporate reporting because organisations will be able to:
      o Share information across departments, contributing to the report – adding strategic focus and creating value for the organisation
      o Embed the Framework within the company’s own strategy
  • The IIRC would like to thank Black Sun and Trucost for their support and guidance in preparing and producing the Pilot Programme Yearbook 2012.

For more detailed information about participants in the Pilot Programme, and the IIRC’s activities, please consult the website:
Contact Kate Turner on the Communications team at: [email protected]