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The IIRC congratulates A4S on a successful ten years

Posted 11 December, 2014

The International Integrated Reporting Council congratulates The Prince’s Accounting for Sustainability Project (A4S) on its tenth anniversary and for the fantastic work that has been done over those years in driving the finance and accountancy community towards resilient business models and sustainable economies.

Commenting on the anniversary, Paul Druckman, CEO of the IIRC said, “Our thanks go out to HRH The Prince of Wales and the A4S team for their great work in promoting a more cohesive and efficient approach to corporate reporting over the last ten years. I was privileged to chair the executive board of A4S for part of that time and witness these achievements, before becoming CEO of the IIRC in 2011. I would like to thank A4S for their role in founding the IIRC and prompting this evolution in corporate reporting. I look forward to us working together over the next ten years as we align capital allocation and corporate behaviour to wider goals of financial stability and sustainable development through the cycle of integrated thinking and reporting.”